Sunday, March 15, 2009

it's a MADWORLD [review]

In MadWorld, Varrigan City has become a target for a group of terrorists known as "The Organizers". The Organizers have taken over the city and transformed it into the setting for a game show called Death Watch, where the city's citizens are being forced to fight for their lives against mysterious enemies, for a prize of 100 million dollars.

MadWorld features highly stylized graphics that use a limited color palette of high contrast black and white with red blood, partially inspired by Frank Miller's Sin City graphic novels, which I loved so I would totally be into this.

Now you are Jack: A mechanic and former marine with a chainsaw equipped to his right arm, Jack is sent to Varrigan City by the President in order to help collapse Death Watch. Jack is the lead protagonist and player character of MadWorld, and is voiced by Steven Blum.

Right when I started the game I instantly noticed the voice of the king of voice overs. Steve Blum. That alone sells this game for me, just to hear him talk is crazy, cause he's so badass.

This game is not for the faint of heart or the kiddies/parents that just want their wii to be party games and fairies and stuff like that. This is a hard hitting romp of bloody good fun and the vulgarity insues [gotta love extreme violence and extreme cussin in a video game]. Also, anything that has a dude with a chainsaw on his's all good in my book.

I have to say THANK YOU SEGA for making a game like this and putting it on the wii, the interaction of the wiimote and the nunchuck is second nature. Shoot i'm already shaking the controllers around as is lmao. The button position is easy for anyone to take on and then with the tutorial like first stage YOUR ALL SET.

I give this game 5.0/5.0, hey it may be short but I know I can go back and play this game over and over, especially when i'm frustrated or something. BLOODSHED & MAYHEM!!!!

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