I may not have the funds to be a sneaker head, but that does not stop me from wanting the hot kicks. If money was not an issue these shoes will be all mine. Which shoes you may ask...well I'll tell you. The Reebok Voltron Sneaker Collection {circa 97 or so}!!!

The shoes range from the extreme hotness to me [the pumps], to the next so extreme [the regular classics] don't get me wrong they are all fire in their own right, but for me the pumps just scream BUY ME NOW. It also did not hurt that when you bought a sneaker they came with the toy that corresponded with that said color.
You can still find these if you look around on the internet. I've looked on ebay, but still lackin the funds that I need for these that is not used for bills and such.

The black lion was always the hottest to me...I don't know why maybe it's cause of my love for the color black. So of course the black Reebok pump would catch my eye first. First of all the pumps were classic back then, but not alot of people owned them [or maybe they did, i know i had a pair]. Shoot I want to go back to the good old days and feel hip with a pair of Pumps. The next ones I would cop would be the yellow, then the red and the green and blue would follow.

Eventually I will cop them...I was an 80's baby[loved the cartoon & owned the toys at one point in time] so once I get them I will cherish them haha. You can't tell me having these wouldn't be pure FIRE!
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